BaBeL2 – BTI-BaBeL2 – BTI

Building Trust International

Building Trust International

BTI è un organismo internazionale che attualmente opera in Asia, Europa, Sud,Centro e Nord America con l’intento di difendere ed educare il design socialmente consapevole, fornendo una risorsa accessibile per progetti umanitari e per lo scambio di informazioni tra professionisti. Nel 2011 BTI ha indetto un concorso per la progettazione di una Scuola smontabile e trasportabile per bambini birmani rifugiati in Thailandia, strategia per evitare i ripetuti sgomberi ai danni della comunità.

Building Trust International

Building Trust International

BTI is essentially a charity that offers design assistance to communities and individuals in need. From looking at the problems to finding sustainable aid solutions to ultimately providing buildings and infrastructure. These core actions have blossomed into advocating and educating on the principles of socially aware design, providing an accessable resource on humanitarian design projects and providing a structure for the crossover of information between design professionals. We are an international organisation currently working in Asia, Europe, South, Central and North America. We are always on the look out for new projects to get involved with.